About Me

I am a Web Developer with more than 10 year of experience, mainly on JavaScript and TypeScript. I have worked on numerous projects, both personal and commercial.

I have led the design and development of complex web applications for the entertainment industry. Currently I am working on e-Government web applications.

I have extensive experience using Angular, PrimeNG, React, Material-UI, Node.js / Express.js and NestJS.

In my personal life, I love to fool around and play with my son, listening to trance music, cooking, watching movies and spending time with good friends and family!



2020 – Present
European Dynamics

Front-End Developer

Development & maintenance of e-government projects

2020 – 2022
Little Hands BLW

Web Developer

Setup & management of www.littlehandsblw.com website

2017 – 2020
Ticketcore P.C.

Front/Back End Developer & Engineer

Design, development & maintenance of an e-ticketing platform

Technological Institute of Crete

Workshop Mentor

Mentoring of “Multimedia Programming” workshop for the Dept. of Informatics Engineering

2011 – 2020
Alfa Plus S.A.

Web Developer & Designer

Development of websites and e-shops

2009 – 2010
Technological Institute of Crete

Teaching Assistant

Assisting the conduction of the workshops “Multimedia Programming” and “Advanced Technologies in Multimedia" for the Dept. of Informatics Engineering


T.E.I. of Crete, Heraklion (Greece)

Master’s in informatics and Multimedia (MSc)

Department of Informatics Engineering, School of Engineering

T.E.I. of Crete, Heraklion (Greece)

Bachelor’s in applied informatics and Multimedia (BEng)

Department of Applied Informatics & Multimedia

Technical Skills

  • Angular
  • Node.js
  • Nest.js
  • React.js
  • GIT
  • Jasmine
  • TypeORM
  • MySQL / Maria DB
  • Couchbase
  • PHP



Little Office

Little Office

Web Applications
Mines Game

Mines Game

Games, Experiments

Little Office

Little Office is a simple invoicing application. It was created as a custom solution for personal use.

My ex wife started some years ago her own business. She needed a way to issue invoices for her clients. We examined various free and open source applications, but we found that they were somewhat limiting regarding the appearance of the invoices.

So, I decided to create an application from scratch. This was an opportunity to be creative and learn some new technologies! The application was deployed on a Raspberry Pi 4 computer.

Application features: manage clients & invoices, download invoices in PDF files, track income and expenses, see tax estimations, view statistics for various metrics, receive push notifications for payments that must be paid soon and more...

Technologies used

Demo application is deployed on Vercel (front end) and Railway (back end & database)

Mines Game

Mines is yet another clone of the all time classic game Minesweeper.

One of my favourite games ever is minesweeper! I like the simplicity of the rules and how fast one can play it. One day I was wandering how this game could be made and how difficult would be to program it in JavaScript, so I decided to give it a try.

No fancy UI, no fancy plugins, not even responsive design! Just simple HTML, CSS and JavaScript. So simple, like the game itself!

Technologies used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

This game is deployed on Vercel